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Hey fitness girls!:)

Lots of you are asking me for another fitness videos/articles and I actually realized that I haven’t posted any fitness post for a really long time, so here is one! 🙂 I shot a video with all the butt exercises, that I Just think of, so I hope it will be an inspiration for you guys!:) 

As far as the exercises go, just please remember that you must always hold the pelvis in a posterior tilt, otherwise the glutes won’t be activated at all and the only thing you will exercise is you lower back, that is already too stiff and stressed in most cases. At the same time, it’s good to know that with most of the glutes exercises your hamstrings are working as well, so don’t be surprised if you feel them 🙂

If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments, I’d be thrilled to answer! :))))